XpressConnect Supply (formerly WireXpress)
proudly joins Affiliated Distributors (AD)
as a supplier partner
XpressConnect Supply helps distributors support their customers quickly and efficiently with over $2B of inventory from 800+ suppliers and more than 600,000 SKUs. Distributors that partner with XpressConnect Supply save time in sourcing, sell more products, and strengthen their position with key customers.
Affiliated Distributors (AD) is comprised of leading independent distributors and best-in-class suppliers working together to grow their businesses and increase their profitability. As an AD supplier partner, XpressConnect Supply has further expanded our resources to help distributors improve operational efficiencies and gain a competitive edge.
XpressConnect sources from five broad product areas:
• Wire and cable
• Datacom
• Physical security
• Industrial controls
• Support and supplies
For more information regarding our AD partnership, please reach out today.
Call: 1-833-REDISTY (733-4789)
Email: [email protected]