Male associate smiling in a warehouse in his uniform of a hardhat and a bright orange vest

Services and Support

We believe that innovation can drive better business insights and processes through agile decision-making, improved performance, and seamless compliance. Our distribution support helps deliver stronger outcomes across your organization.

Technical Support to Fuel Innovation

XpressConnect Supply has access to a team of 30+ global technology support specialists that offers technical insight and expert advice to define innovative solutions and services that meet current and future business needs.

Two technical specialists have a conversation while holding a tablet

Our technical specialists can help you:

  • Gain insight to keep pace with emerging technologies
  • Align business goals with technology solution roadmaps for digital transformation
  • Support your complex projects around the world
  • Supplement in-house engineer resources and fill technology knowledge gaps
  • Drive interoperability
  • Benefit from freedom of choice and scalability

Advanced Distribution Support

XpressConnect Supply value-added services provides distributors with a competitive advantage by streamlining their supply chain and increasing efficiency. With our expertise and advanced technology, we can help you overcome common industry obstacles and deliver high-quality products to your customers with ease.

A male associate working on his tablet in a warehouse while in uniform

Our Services

OEM Value Added Services
Contractor Labor Savings
Kitting and Pre- Assembly