Terms and Conditions

XpressConnect Terms and Conditions of Sale

Below please find the applicable terms and conditions of sale for any products and services supplied or performed by XpressConnect:

United States
English • 11/13/2023

Canada (excluding Province of Quebec)
English • 11/13/2023

Canada (Province of Quebec)
French • 11/13/2023

Latin America (excluding Brazil)
English • 11/13/2023

Latin America (excluding Brazil)
Spanish • 11/13/2023

Portuguese • 11/13/2023

Business Credit Terms

Below please find the business credit terms that applies when XpressConnect is granting buyer business credit:

English • 11/13/2023

Canada (Province of Quebec)
French • 11/13/2023

Latin America (excluding Brazil)
Spanish • 11/13/2023

Portuguese • 11/13/2023

Product Return Policy

Below please find the product return policy that applies to those products provided by XpressConnect:

English • 11/13/2023

Canada (Province of Quebec)
French • 11/13/2023

Latin America (excluding Brazil)
Spanish • 11/13/2023

Portuguese • 11/13/2023